How it works and what it can treat
Fascial Counterstrain is a gentle, hands-on therapy that identifies and releases inflammation, marked by tension in the body’s fascia—a connective tissue network that surrounds & connects muscles, bones, organs, the nervous system, adipose tissue, cartilage, blood vessels & lymphatic tissue. By removing inflammation at its source and relieving these restrictions, Counterstrain restores natural mobility, improves circulation, calms the nervous system, and supports the body’s innate healing processes, effectively addressing pain, dysfunction, and chronic conditions at their root.
During a session, the practitioner carefully assesses the body to locate areas of fascial restriction. A cranial scan points the therapist to specific systems and tender points as indicators of dysfunction. Once a restriction is identified, the practitioner gently positions the body in a way that eases tension on the affected fascia. This pain-free positioning allows the tissue to relax, restores its natural mobility, and encourages the nervous system to reset from a state of stress to one of healing.
Every release is precise, addressing even the smallest anatomical structures, and treatments are tailored to each client's unique needs. Clients typically feel a sense of relaxation and relief during and after treatment, with improved function, mobility and reduced symptoms. Clients remain fully clothed on a massage table with the majority of work usually performed while face-up on the table (although modifications can be made as necessary). ​
Learn how Counterstrain can treat the following common conditions by clicking the links below.