Digestive issues like Chron's disease & Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are complex and often frustrating conditions that affect the digestive system, causing symptoms like bloating, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. While traditional treatments often focus on managing symptoms, Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) offers a unique, holistic approach by draining inflammation, releasing adhesions and correcting dysfunctions of the entire digestive system including the viscera, the mesentery, and sphincters all along the GI tract.
Fascia is a connective tissue network that surrounds and supports every organ, muscle, blood vessel, bone and nerve in the body—including those of the digestive system. When the fascia becomes compromised due to stress, inflammation, injury, or other factors, it can interfere with the normal function of the gut. This tension can exacerbate symptoms by impairing circulation and peristalsis, compressing nerves, and increasing overall discomfort.
Fascial Counterstrain works by identifying areas of fascial dysfunction or adhesion, gently draining inflammation from these areas, thereby releasing these restrictions. During a session, a trained practitioner uses precise assessments to locate tender points that reflect dysfunction or imbalance in the fascial system, specifically targeting fascial restrictions around the abdominal organs, including the stomach, intestines, valves of the digestive tract and pelvic structures. Through gentle, pain-free adjustments, they position the body to drain inflammation and relieve tension in the affected areas. Results include improved blood flow, restoration of normal nerve signaling, and reduction in the hypersensitivity often associated with IBS, Crohn's, UC, etc.​
Clients with digestive disorders often report feeling a decrease in symptoms, improved digestion, and a greater sense of overall well-being after FCS treatments. Beyond physical relief, many find that the gentle, calming nature of FCS also reduces the stress that can trigger or worsen flare-ups.
If you’re seeking a holistic, non-invasive approach to managing your digestive distress, Fascial Counterstrain could be a valuable addition to your wellness journey. By addressing the root causes of fascial dysfunction, this technique offers a gentle and effective pathway to improved digestive health and enhanced quality of life.